4Sale: This week I put my 1988 Honda CRX up for sale on craigslist. It is my first craigslist item up for sale (and I had so much fun doing it that i raided my room for things I no longer used and put those things up for sale on craigslist too!). Anyways, back to the car, I bought the thing when it had 44,000 miles on it my sophomore year of high school. Since then I have put quite a bit of miles on it, it now having 106,000 miles on it (for those mathematically challenged, thats...hold on let me get my calculator...62,000 miles about six years, I think). Anyways, it has been a great car for me, but it is about time to move on and say goodbye to "old red."
4Eyes: Alright this is kind of dumb, but I went to the eye doctor when I was home last weekend and my right eye is on the fritz. Basically, my right eye is lagging behind and my left eye is 20/20. But enough about that.
Fosston: Well, lets just say Fosston is 5.5 hours away and Sweendawg and I drove there and back in one day just to hang out with some friends that were in town.
the fam: After Fosston, the next day erica and I drove home to Milwaukee to say hi to the fam. We were there for about 12 hours, but it was a great trip! We played a bunch of Uno and needless to say Erica cheats, so technically I should have won, but the girls teamed up against me. LOL
the dentist: Well, I am not a big fan of the dentist, but really...who is?!? Got a check up this past weekend while I was home. 2 cavities, but the doctor said I take excellent care of my teeth. Well, apparently I'm doing something wrong doc, because I have 2 cavities. He asked if I flossed...well there ya have it doc, apparently I don't take the best care of my teeth, I tend to shy away from the flossing activity.
Well this was fun.
much love.
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1 comment:
Goodbye, Old Red. Long may you travel the roads. Fast may your speeds be and Furious may your engine roar. (Single emo tear flows down my cheek as I avoid looking directly at the camera with my one eye that isn't covered by my hair.)
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