Another Picture Blog!
Sorry for those who don't enjoy the picture blogs, but frankly, they are more fun to make/write and I got a lot of compliments about the last blog. Also, because I haven't blogged in awhile, I have a lot of photos to share so I apologize ahead of time, this one might be a little long.

When you work security and safety for a school like Bethel University, you are a very busy guy nine months out of the year. The other three (when the students are gone for summer break) you have a lot of free time on your hands and you have the opportunity to "stalk" wildlife. Much like what is happening in this picture, baby geese are following their mother about to go on a swim and me following close behind with a camera!

Speaking of Bethel University Security & Safety, check out our new patrol vehicle! Only kidding, but maybe I will show you it in my next blog LOL. This is just a nice Police car I saw and had to take a picture of it. Dodge Magnum Police Interceptor, it even sounds BA.

On a less authoritative note, I now present to you, for the first time in Blog-Public, Mr. & Mrs. Jake Hegman. Yeah that wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, sorry. This is my old roommate Jake and his wife Emily sharing their first dance together as a married couple! There wedding was this past weekend! CONGRATS!

This past week I got to feel like a real man. I used a chainsaw for the first time. You see, in my new front yard, there is a giant tree that needed some trimming! Some people would call a tree trimming crew that has all the right tools and ladders and stuff. Well, the boys of 417 decided to round up some chainsaws, climb up the tree and see what happens (this is how really bad things happen and limbs are lost. Please note that is my roommate up in the tree with a chainsaw, dangling from a tree branch). Thankfully no one was hurt during the trimming of this tree and it looks 100x better then it did before. See, who needs tree companies to trim trees. That it far overrated, just call 867-5309.

Every year the Minnesota State Fair Grounds are home to a huge car show called, "Back to the 50's." So for a week or so the cities are overrun by old 50's cruisers and muscle cars! Fortunately enough for me, I got to see ONE of my dream cars (note the emphasis on the one, because there are MANY).

Every week, sometimes twice a week the man on the right (Mr. Ben Pierce) and I head to Dinkytown, MN for breakfast at Al's Diner. Just imagine a hole in the wall, then fit a diner in there, and a lot of grease. It is by far the most fun, best breakfast experiences ever.

This week on the lake there are a couple stories worth telling. One story is that I had the pleasure of going wakeboarding for the first time! I got up the first time, but the trick that I have not mastered yet is staying up for more then 5 seconds. I'll keep you updated.

The second story is this, Miss Laura Wurdeman, 10 stitches, 2 inch cut, all the way down to the skull, yeah, she's a pretty big deal. This also came from wakeboarding. She was being all cool and stuff, doing tricks on the board, when the front of the board caught the water just a little bit, causing her to do a face-plant into the water, which then sent the board flying up, hitting her in the side of the head! It was super encouraging for me who was just about to go wakeboarding for the first time! Yeah...not so much...

Making another blog appearance, is this man, Josh Fink, along with his wakeboarding girlfriend Laura! :) It was right before we were about to dig into some Applebees after church Sunday :)

Oh Chipotle! It's an obsession! I was trying to be artistic, and I caught my buddy/roommate/Stephen in the background! Spencer, you should be proud! (PS: check out Spencer's Website! He is a photographer for all sorts of stuff, but an excellent Wedding Photographer, the best I have ever seen! Just click here for his blog or here for his website!)

Finally, to end the blog, I thought I would wish Laura a happy 20th birthday! Check out her new little puppy! I got to play with it at her birthday party this weekend!
Music for the week: The Maine
What am I doing right now?:
Working security, I get to be the Chief of Security and Safety today. My boss has a iMac for his computer, let me take a picture and show you...

Yeah, its a stressful job, but someone has got to do it.
much love.
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