Picture-ish Blog-ish
--hey gram! :-)

This is what my job consist of for right now. This summer I work a bunch of overnight shifts, needless to say it isnt easy to stay awake. By the end of the night the "welcome center" (where I sit for 12 hours a night making sure only good Christians get into Bethel University) is filled with Soda Cans & Lo Carb Monster Cans.

This Summer will = Playing lots Halo3 on Xbox2 with none other then Joshua Fink! For those of you who don't understand what this is, it is probably the best video game system and video game invented and you should probably look into buying one for yourself! Just a thought!
Who is this Joshua Fink you ask and what does he look like? Well ladies, he is one HOTT hunk of man beast, but sorry, he's taken! This is JP Fink at his best on a car ride posing pretty for the camera!

This evening I went on my 4th boat ride! We grilled out on the pontoon! It was awesome and I managed to snap a picture of the sunset! I'm not the best photographer, but I though it looked cool!

Many of you think that my girlfriend is imaginary. Well she isn't, and this picture goes to show it! Haha, she is absolutely gorgeous, even when her picture is taken when she is least expecting it! Here we are out celebrating her roommate's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!

OH HENRY! No not the candy bar, my new cousin! He was born Wednesday weighting in at a strong 7lbs 7ounces! Congratulations Guys! I can't wait to see him!!!

Little Jack. Erica's little cousin Jack is a piece of work! He has the funniest laugh and is just learning how to walk. I would just like to brag a little bit and say that he started taking his first steps with me...kinda...well he started walking across the room to me.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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