Sunday, April 27, 2008

new hair.

i got a hair cut.
The Chain of events:
  1. Go to my hair appointment at this really cool studio place.
  2. Get my hair cut, get my hair in a bag to donate.
  3. Not a big fan of my first haircut, just not my style at all. Great haircut though.
  4. Put an emergency call into Nancy.
  5. Go over to B5 & Nancy fixes my hair!
  6. I feel 100x better about life!
  7. Dan O. comes over and take a flat iron to it.
  8. 2 haircuts (with in 12 hours) and a flat ironing later...


much love.

1 comment:

Joshua Danielson said...

My thoughts are as follows:

1. Wow. Amazing.
2. Could Tyler BE any more good looking?
3. What is the name of your modeling agency?
4. I wish I had sweet hair like that.
5. Wow, Tyler must get a lot of hoots and hollers from the chicas.
6. Sometimes I feel like a celebrity because my friend Tyler is so good looking.
7. I wish I were hanging out with Tyler right now.

The End.