As I have grown older (and sometimes wiser) in my years, I have learned that every so often a person come across an experience in your life that generates you what I call "man points." These points are not what classify you as a man or women, but instead what stage in "man hood" you are in. For example, a man and his girlfriend are walking down the street and there is a cat stuck in the tree. There are several options the man has, but for the sake of time I will narrow the options down to four. First, he could continue walking thinking nothing of the event, earning him -10 man points. His second option is, he continues walking, but calls the fire department, which in turn allows the fireman to earn man points, and therefore, earning the man walking +5 man points because he assisted another man in earning points. His third option is to find a ladder, and get the cat out of the tree. This earns the man +20 man points for being a hero and dealing with the problem himself. However, option four gives the man the most points. If the man continues walking with his girlfriend, pretending to be none the wiser, all the while thinking "what a dumb animal, I never liked them anyways, I hope a dog chased it into the tree," this earns the man +100 man points.
Now, that you understand how man points work, I earned some this past week. If you read my other blog, you would know that my roommate Stephen bought the house that I a

m living in and has been working on fixing it up for a little while now (he is a construction work, which earns your big time man points). This week Stephen (on the right in the rafters he was building), his dad (in the pictures below assisting me in earning man points) my roommate Dan (striking a pose with the gun used), and I (in the white shirt earning man points) all worked on pulling the sides of the garage back in. The walls had begun to bow a bit from the weight of the roof and some drainage problems. In the events of the reconstruction project, we were building supports for the roof. While we were building these supports, I earned man points because I used a nail gun. Simple as that. Anyone who uses a nail gun gets automatic man points. You just naturally feel like a stronger man because of it. Here are some pictures to prove it.

much love.
Words cannot properly describe the amount of awesomeness contained in that first paragraph. Each sentence brought the awesomeness to new heights. The final sentence led to an apex of awesomeness so high that I laughed out loud in my theology class. Well done, T-Rizz.
My question is how many man points did Dan lose for posing like that with the nailer?
friend of josh danielson
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