So Much To Write About So Little Space.

July 4
th Vacation involved a lot of activity! Erica & I went home to visit the family and participate in the annual July 3rd Fireworks down by the lake front. US Bank puts them on every year and this year was probably the best. Fireworks were shot off from 4 different places (1 building, 1 courtyard, 2 barges). It was amazing! Also, I got to indulge myself with some of the best food for you funnel cakes and fresh squeezed lemonade.
Yay for Fireworks!
So this next picture is a little odd and might make some
stomachs turn. Quite honestly I didn't know how to react myself, considering it happened to me. I had so many questions. Questions like, 'why would God let this happen to me,' and 'why does he let bad things happen to good people?' So many people in this world, so much green grass, so many clean cars...why me. Yes, I got pooped on by a bird. Erica and I were going on a walk along the Fox River in WI, when all of sudden I start to laugh because as we were walking I saw that a bird had pooped down the front of her shirt, only to find out a few minutes later that a bird had pooped down my back. Who would have thought, in a town like this...

There is so much to tell about these next two pictures, but does anyone remember paddle boats. You know, boats with pedals in them...the idea that always seems like fun, but you immediately come to regret after you get out to the middle of the lake/river, you realize that you still have to paddle all the way back...into the wind. Anyways, the
fam and
Erica and I went on them over our mini-
vaca to
Waukesha. Brooke and Kendal got in the swan. Erica and I got in a regular paddle boat, and Mom & Dave got in another one.

I got a little mad because I felt like Kendal got the best end of the deal. You see Brooke has great leg muscles (she is stronger then me) and therefore Kendal didn't have to paddle at all. I got put with miss Erica here who happen to catch up on her sleep while I was left to paddle.
Hmmm, funny how that all works out.

And finally, my new favorite summer game.
Bocce Ball. Backyard fun the whole family can enjoy, like this man on the beach below. And to answer any questions,
Yes, that is my body.
No, I don't know why they put someone
else's head on my body.
Yes, I am a little upset, but
No, I will not be taking anyone to court over this picture.

*For those of you who didn't catch on,
Yes, I was lying.
No, that is not me.
No, I do not look like that, I simply typed in
bocce ball in
google images and this is what popped up. I look more like
Tom Cruise (AKA: Maverick) in the beach volleyball scene in Top Gun. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration too.*
much love.
1 comment:
Nice pho-toes! I thought I recognized those fireworks! Looks like you had a fun time on your mini-vaca to Waukesha!
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