First of all, Mrs. Hook, Jess, and Jen...HELLO!!!! Thanks for reading my lame blogs all the time. My mom said that you enjoy my blogs, so I thought I would give you a shout out! haha. And everyone else reading...hello to you to. Thanks for reading! Leave comments!! I read them haha.
Now for an explanation of the title. Well, this weekend was a little crazy. I skipped school Friday and drove home to Wisconsin for a 10am dentist appointment. This required me to leave at 3:30am Friday morning from Minnesota. Now some of you might be asking, "why didn't you leave Thursday night after classes to go home, saving yourself the annoyance of

waking up at 3:30am?" Well, that's easy....PREVIOUSLY ON LOST...yeah I couldn't leave Thursday night and miss LOST! Not worth it.
So I eventually got to my dentist appointment (with 30 minutes to spare), and the reward...having two cavities drilled. :-( Not so much fun. I got some pictures taken though. The dentist took three of my teeth with a special camera, but forgot to email them to me, but I also took two with my iPhone. haha.

After that I hung out with the family for a few hours, sold some stuff at the yard sale. Tossed the ball with mani. Then started my 5 hour journey back home! Crazy drive just to get some teeth drilled :-(
Just had a monster LC & a Sweet Tea though so I am ready for the next exciting adventure.

Moral of the story: Brush, Floss, & Mouth Wash
Oh and Drink lots of MONSTERLC & SWEET TEA, its really good for your teeth (7 out of 10 dentist recommend it).
much love.
I'm no dentist...but I do recommend those products!
Ty, you are an amazing storyteller. You should be on MTV's Storytellers. Because you're good at it. And then you could take me on it, too...
Anyway, that last pic of you throwin' up gang signs is my new desktop background and is going to get me through this rough week of final papers and tests.
So much love.
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