As a Bethel University Security and Safety Officer, I take my job very seriously (LOL). It being my third year as an officer, I have done a lot. I have given escorts to people who are too lazy to walk from their dorm to their car, I have responded to numerous medical emergencies, as well as fire alarms, evaded and conquered the water ballooners on campus, tracked wild turkey, and even battled an actual vehicle fire ('73 Chevy Corvette, it hurt to watch), but yesterday, I had another first on the job. I escorted a snapping turtle across the road. It is dangerous business being a turtle in a neighborhood like Bethel. Luckily he had someone as skilled at directing traffic as myself, which allowed him to reach the other side of the road without becoming roadkill. But I don't want the praise, I couldn't have done it without the badge, it gives me my strength.
I had a couple other firsts today too. This morning I woke up and helped a friend of mine (Stephen, mentioned in my snowmobiling blog!) lay some cement for his driveway (which was a first for me). In the process of laying the cement, somehow a tick attached itself to the back of my ear (this was another first for me). It's starting to be a great weekend!
I had a couple other firsts today too. This morning I woke up and helped a friend of mine (Stephen, mentioned in my snowmobiling blog!) lay some cement for his driveway (which was a first for me). In the process of laying the cement, somehow a tick attached itself to the back of my ear (this was another first for me). It's starting to be a great weekend!

Graduation: May 24
Days since last shower: 3
Days since last shower: 3
much love.
1 comment:
1. You should consider showering.
2. Congrats (early) on graduating. You're so money and you don't even know.
3. Nice work with la tortuga.
4. You friggin' rock.
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